Star Trek microheroes Wiki
Jonathan Struhlem
JonathanStruhlem EliteForce2 RichB
Vital statistics
Position Ensign
Age Unknown
Status Active 2380
Physical attributes
Height 181.2 cm
Weight 80.10 kilograms

Jonathan Struhlem was a Denobulan male born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Earth, and was quite fond of the Cajun food there. He later became a Starfleet officer, and early in his career he served aboard the Federation flagship, the USS Enterprise. He was friends with Jack Franklin, and played dom-jot with him once a week.

In 2380, he served aboard the Enterprise-E, with the Hazard Team during it's mission with the Idryll, the Exomorphs and the Attrexians.

Circa 2380, he was 181.2 cm tall, and weighed 80.10 kilograms.
