Star Trek microheroes Wiki
Vital statistics
Position Constable
Age Discovered 2337
Status Active 2375
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Odo was a Changeling, one of a hundred infants sent out to explore the galaxy and compelled to return later in order to share their experiences. He served as chief of security aboard the space station Terok Nor, later known as Deep Space 9.

Odo had a deep sense of justice, which he valued above all other things. As he told Sisko at one point, "Laws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice. Because of this, he enjoyed "thumbing his nose" at authority and going by his rules rather than those of Starfleet. He once speculated that his belief in justice was an innate part of his racial makeup, and thus a link to his lost people.  When his people revealed themselves to be the Founders of the Dominion, they claimed that what they desired was order, not justice.

His name stems from the Cardassian word for "nothing," Odo'ital, which was mistranslation of the "Unknown sample" label on his laboratory flask. The Bajoran scientists nicknamed him "Odo Ital" as if it were a Bajoran name, and it was shortened to Odo. He used only the single name "Odo."  Early in his life, when he heard others address him as "Odo", he heard it as "nothing." He felt that the name was appropriate, since he had no friends, no past, and no form; once he had gained the respect and affection of Kira and the others on the station, he ceased hearing "Odo" as "nothing" and simply considered it his name.


Mirror Universe[]

Odo MirrorUniverse DS9 RichB
Vital statistics
Position Supervisor
Age Unknown
Status Died 2370
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Odo was the officer in charge of running the ore processing center on Terok Nor in 2370. Odo had a strong desire for order and obedience, and ran the most efficient operation in the entire Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. He even created the Rules of Obedience.

Odo was killed by Julian Bashir, who had been forced to work in the processing center for the Alliance, during a thorium leak that disrupted the center's operations. In the subsequent evacuation, Bashir shot Odo with a phaser set to kill, destroying the Changeling. Intendant Kira Nerys lamented his death, as he apparently was the only one of his kind
