Star Trek microheroes Wiki
Melora Pazlar
Vital statistics
Position Ensign

Stellar cartographer

Age Unknown
Status Unknown
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown

Melora Pazlar was a 24th century Elaysian Starfleet officer. She was the first of her species to enter Starfleet and specialized in stellar cartography.

Being from a species native to a low-gravity planet, it was extremely difficult for Melora Pazlar to function in "standard" gravity. As a result of this limitation, only a small number of her kind actually left the Elaysian homeworld to explore space.

The limitation she experienced did not stop her, however, and she soon enlisted in Starfleet. Part of her reasoning for joining Starfleet was to encourage others and show them that she could overcome any adversity; however, she also had a strong desire to explore space and other worlds, instead of merely being confined to her planet.
